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How to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider in South Africa in 2021

How to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider in South Africa in 2021

How to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider in South Africa in 2021:

Requirements to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider:

The document Criteria and Guidelines to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider sets out the requirements for accreditation.

  • The programmes (and/or assessments) offered by the education and training provider must culminate in unit standards and/or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
  • The curriculum (design, content and learning materials) is aligned to the unit standards and/or qualifications.
  • There are suitably qualified staff (facilitators and registered assessors).
  • The learners have access to adequate learning support services.
  • The assessment methods and tools used to measure the requirements for the unit standard and/or qualification are fair, valid and reliable, and are used to enhance learning.

The main steps in the accreditation process to become a SETA Accredited Training Provider:

  1. The Training Provider determines the primary focus
  2. The SETA Quality Assurance Management Division requirements are compiled by the provider
  3. The Training Provider completes and submits an online application form for accreditation
  4. A compliance check is conducted by SETA and the provider receives a notification of compliance / non-compliance
  5. The Training Provider responds to the notification if necessary
  6. A site visit is scheduled and conducted by a SETA ETQA evaluator
  7. The evaluator sends his/her report to SETA
  8. The evaluation report is quality assured and the report indicating the status of accreditation is sent to the provider. Where applicable, areas of remediation will be detailed in the report.
  9. The Training Provider is required to respond to areas of remediation if necessary, and make the relevant submission.
  10. Confirm registration with the DHET

SETA Accreditation is defined in the ETQA Regulations as
The certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, a body or an institution as having the capacity to fulfill a particular function in the quality assurance system set up by the South African Qualifications authority in terms of the Act
There are Education Training Quality Assurance bodies (ETQAs) in different sectors responsible for the accreditation of providers. Training providers would be accredited by one ETQA on the basis of primary focus. The provider would need to decide which ETQA sector the provider falls within and then which are the NQF standards or qualifications that it wishes to provide. The ETQAs have specific provider accreditation criteria that have to be met.

A provider wishing to offer a full qualification or part of a qualification should firstly identify the primary focus ETQA to which it belongs and the qualification/s and the associated unit standards that are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQFquality assured by that ETQA. The qualification/s will list the quality assuring body responsible for the quality assurance of the qualification/s and the associated unit standards.

Against which programmes can I apply for accreditation?

Providers can apply for accreditation against unit standards and/or qualifications registered on the NQF and allocated to Services SETA Quality Assurance Management Division (SETQAA) for quality assurance purposes.

Length of time to achieve accreditation

We anticipate the accreditation process to take ten weeks. A provider will achieve provisional accreditation if the minimum (against SAQA’s eight core) criteria are met, their learning programmes are aligned to NQF registered unit standard/s and/or qualification/s and their assessors and moderators have been awarded constituent registration for the learning programmes to which they are linked.

Cost of accreditation

If you use an external consultant to help you achieve accreditation the cost thereof will be privately contracted between you and the consultant.

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